30 days

Enroll or change your benefits within 30 days 

If you get married or enter into a domestic partnership, you may enroll, change, cancel or add your spouse or domestic partner to your medical, dental and/or vision coverage. You may also consider increasing your Health Savings Account contribution to maximize the higher IRS limit. You must notify the Benefits Center within 30 calendar days of your marriage or domestic partnership. Otherwise, you will not be able to make a change until the next Annual Benefits Enrollment period or a future qualified change-in-status event. Change your benefits on My Benefits.


Get your documents ready

If you add your spouse or domestic partner to your benefits, you will be required to submit documentation to verify that he or she is eligible. Review documents at the bottom of the page for more information.


Update your beneficiary

Even if you don’t add your spouse/domestic partner to your benefits coverage, you should review your beneficiaries at My Benefits and Fidelity NetBenefits.

HR Express

Update your information in Workday

Update your marital status, name and/or address, income tax withholding and banking information in Workday.

For a name change, you will need to submit documentation, such as a copy of your social security card when you contact HR Connections. Once HR Connections changes your name, submit an IT service desk ticket to change your name for your work phone and email address.