Group Medicare Advantage Plan Options

If you or a dependent are turning age 65 or are under age 65 and Medicare eligible, you can choose from two custom UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) options, ConocoPhillips Core and ConocoPhillips Plus, which include both medical and prescription drug coverage. Since Jan. 1, 2022, pre-65 Medicare eligible retirees and dependents have access to the UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) options for their coverage. You must notify the Benefits Center and provide your Medicare information within 30 calendar days if you become eligible for Medicare coverage at 800-622-5501.

Medical ConocoPhillips Core
(in-Network or Non-Network)
ConocoPhillips Plus
(in-Network or Non-Network)
Monthly Premium (Non-subsidized) $131.10 $225.41
Deductible $0 $0
Out-of-Pocket Maximum $2,800 $500
Office Visit Copay $15 (primary)
$30 (specialist)
$5 (primary)
$10 (specialist)
Hospital Impatient Copay $250 per admission $50 per admission
ER Copay $100 $75
Urgent Care Copay $35 $10
Prescription Drug (In-Network)
Deductible $250 $250
Generic Copay $5, after annual deductible $5, after annual deductible
Preferred Brand Copay $45, after annual deductible $45, after annual deductible
Non-Preferred Brand 40% coinsurance, after annual deductible 40% coinsurance, after annual deductible
Specialty 30% coinsurance, after annual deductible 30% coinsurance, after annual deductible
Mail Order
  • Preferred Generic/Preferred Brand
  • Non-Preferred/Specialty Tier
$15/$135 copay, after annual deductible
40%/30% coinsurance, after annual deductible
$15/$135 copay, after annual deductible
40%/30% coinsurance, after  annual deductible
True Out-of-Pocket (TrOOP) $2,000 $2,000

You and/or your dependents need to enroll in Medicare Parts A & B approximately 90 days prior to turning age 65 unless you are a current employee with ConocoPhillips or a dependent turning age 65. You can enroll online at, or you can visit or call your local Social Security Office. To enroll in either ConocoPhillips Core or ConocoPhillips Plus, you must enroll in Medicare Part B and pay the associated premium. 

Approximately 90 days prior to your Medicare eligibility date, the Benefits Center will send your enrollment information to UnitedHealthcare. Shortly thereafter, UnitedHealthcare will prepare and send you a Pre-enrollment guide. 

Company-subsidized Premiums
If you are under the age of 65 and Medicare eligible and/or were enrolled in age 65 and over retiree medical coverage on or before Dec. 31, 2015, you and your eligible dependents may be eligible for Company-subsidized premiums toward the cost of ConocoPhillips Core or ConocoPhillips Plus.

For questions about ConocoPhillips Core and ConocoPhillips Plus, or to enroll, please contact the UnitedHealthcare dedicated ConocoPhillips call center at 1-855-323-1665, TTY 711, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. local time, 7 days a week. You may also find information online at

Other Retiree Benefits
Click Retiree Dental for additional information.